I create and sell specialty pies that cannot be found any other place in the entire bay area. The most popular pie that I make and sell is the BEAN PIE. This pie is made with Navy Beans. I also make a Carrot pie and a Sweet-potato pie. We do not have a store or a bakery. All of our pies are made in a commercial kitchen in San Jose, CA. and deliverd straight to the Farmers market the next day. We do not deliver. All pies must be picked up by you or your representative at a Farmers Market. If you need a special order you can  Email or call us at: (408) 583-8129 and we will send you an invoice indicating all the costs and at which Farmers Markets to pick them up.

So loose not heart nor fall into despair; for you must gain mastery if you are true in faith.



My grandoughters are in thier first year of college now, so I'm all alone. That's the reason that i'm only doing one market now as apposed to five.


Graduated June 2024


Check me out on Yelp
I will be at the Evergreen Farmers Market Sunday From 9"Am to 1:Pm


I love Bean, Carrot and Sweetpotato pie that i purchased at the Farmers Market from Ra'oofs' San Jose Bean Pie Co.
Some say his Carrot Pie is very similar to pumpkin pie. His Sweetpotato Pie is to die for.
The best seller and the most popular is the Bean Pie. I can guarantee you that this is like nothing that you have ever tasted in your life.

king alfred